
Thank you for your interest in making a donation to the Framingham Public Library Foundation. Your generous donation will allow the library to provide additional programs and services for the community and help the library upgrade facilities and technology. Your donation will supplement, not replace, the library’s annual operating budget. 


We appreciate your support of the Framingham Public Library!

The Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Your donations may qualify for tax deductions.

The general fund supports all the efforts of the FPLF. These include projects in the Main Library, the McAuliffe Branch Library, the Bookmobile, the Spark Lab (Makerspace) and the Teen Room. The current project is the Technology Learning Center in the Main Library.

If you prefer to donate by check,  please mail it to:

49 Lexington Street
Framingham, MA 01702

Please check with your human resources department if you think your employer will match your gift.


12 + 9 =

The Foundation’s long-term goal is to create an endowment fund that will augment funding from the city of Framingham.

The Foundation accepts cash gifts, major gifts, pledges, and endowments that will benefit the Framingham Public Library or special programs or capital projects. You can designate gifts for short-term or long-term use.

Please discuss all unrestricted gifts or donations of goods and services with the Library Director, Lena Kilburn (781-413-1978).

Please discuss major gifts, pledges, naming opportunities, and endowments with Ruth Winett by emailing  or calling 508-877-1938.